3. Understanding the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) – Test Yourself

Please find the answers at the end of the test.

Q1. What does SDLC stand for?

  1. System Development Life Cycle
  2. Software Deployment Life Cycle
  3. Software Development Life Cycle
  4. Software Delivery Lite Components 

Q2. What best describes an SDLC?

  1. It sets the standard to test Computer Systems
  2. It is a process used by the Computer Software Industry as a standard way to deliver a Software Project
  3. It is a process used by the Computer Software Industry as a standard way to design a Software Project
  4. It is a series of processes that allows the Requirements to be captured for a Software Project

Q3. What are the 5 main phases of an SDLC?

  1. High Level Design, Low Level Design, Code and Test
  2. Requirements Gathering, Code, Integration Test, System Test and Deployment
  3. Requirements Gathering, Analysis, Code, Test and Deployment
  4. Requirements Gathering, Design, Code, Test and Deployment

Q4. Once the Requirements for a new System have been gathered, what needs to be done before coding can start?

  1. The reviewing phase needs to take place
  2. A test of the Requirements needs to take place
  3. Deployment is designed for the System to be eventually delivered
  4. The Design phase needs to take place, Designing the new system from the Requirements that have been captured

Q5. What best describes the Design Phase?

  1. It takes the Requirement Gathering results and produces a design of how the system will functionally work and on what domain / platform (hardware)
  2. It is a document for a Test Analyst to design their Test Plans
  3. It is used to help produce the Requirements for a system
  4. It is used to help with the deployment of a system

Q6. What document do Developers use to code from?

  1. A High Level Design document
  2. The Requirements document
  3. A Low Level Design document
  4. A document produced by other Developers

Q7. What tests do Developers write?

  1. Integration Tests
  2. System Tests
  3. UAT Tests
  4. Unit Tests

Q8. What 3 phases, performed by a Test Team, can Testing be broken down into?

  1. Integration Testing, System Testing, User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
  2. Coding, Integration Testing, System Testing
  3. Requirements Gathering, System Testing, User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
  4. System Testing, User Acceptance Testing (UAT), Deployment

Q9. When would you perform Integration Testing?

  1. Before UAT
  2. After coding of a functionality has been coded and Unit Tested
  3. During System Testing 
  4. Before Unit Testing

Q10. What best describes Integration Testing?

  1. It tests the system as a whole
  2. It tests the integration of modules within a specific functionality of a system
  3. It helps Users of the system test what will be deployed
  4. It tests individual coded components

Q11. Who performs UAT?

  1. Business Analysts
  2. The SDLC Test Team
  3. System Architects
  4. Users / Customers of the System

Q12. Once all the development and testing of a System has been completed, what takes place?

  1. Integration Testing
  2. System Testing
  3. Deployment
  4. UAT

Q13. Which of the following are SDLC Models?

  1. Waterfall
  2. Supple
  3. Water full
  4. Agile
  5. V Model

Q14. What is the V Model also known as?

  1. The Verification and Validation Model
  2. The Confirmation and Validation Model
  3. The Valid and Verify Model
  4. The Vacant and Vacate Model

Q15. What is the Left Hand side (Requirements Capture and Design) of the V Model known as?

  1. The Validation Process
  2. The Acceptance Process
  3. The Verification Process
  4. The Test Process

Q16. What is the Right Hand side (Test Phase) of the V Model known as?

  1. The Validation Process
  2. The Acceptance Process
  3. The Verification Process
  4. The Test Process

Q17. What is Verification Testing also known as?

  1. System Testing
  2. Static Testing
  3. Unit Testing
  4. Dynamic Testing

Q18. What is Validation Testing also known as?

  1. Integration Testing
  2. Dynamic Testing
  3. Static Testing
  4. Unit Testing

Q19. What best describes Verification Testing?

  1. A Static Analysis technique where the Requirements are analysed
  2. A Dynamic Analysis technique where testing is done without executing the code
  3. A Static Analysis technique where testing is done without executing the code
  4. A way of running the code and testing at the same time

Q20. What best describes Validation Testing?

  1. A way of testing by reviewing documentation
  2. A Static Analysis technique where the Requirements are analysed
  3. A Dynamic Analysis technique where testing is done by actually executing the code
  4. A way of producing and reviewing the overall Test Plan

Q21. In the V Model, when is testing done?

  1. It starts after Coding finishes
  2. It can start as soon as the Requirements have been captured
  3. It can start once the Design has been completed
  4. It starts during the Coding phase

Q22. What are the 3 Testing characteristics of using a V Model?

  1. Early Test Design, each Work-Product is tested, all SDLC documents will be reviewed by the Test Team
  2. Test Design only starts when the System Design is complete, Test execution starts when code is delivered, all Test documents are reviewed by the Test Team
  3. Early Design of the System, only delivered Code is tested, all Test Documents are reviewed
  4. Early Test Design, only delivered Code is tested, all Test Documents are reviewed

Q23. Which 3 main phases are in the Verification Stage?

  1. System Design 
  2. User Acceptance Testing
  3. Coding of the System
  4. Requirements Capture
  5. System Testing

Q24. What are the 4 Testing phases in the Validation stage?

  1. UAT (User Acceptance Testing)
  2. Integration Testing
  3. Documentation Testing
  4. Code reviews
  5. Unit Testing
  6. System Test reviews
  7. System Testing

Q25. Why is Verification Testing also known as Static Testing?

  1. It tests by reviewing the documentation and code, it does not test while the code is being executed
  2. It only reviews the code
  3. It tests the results when the System execution has completed
  4. It checks all Test Plan documentation

Q26. Why is Validation Testing also known as Dynamic Testing?

  1. It checks the results of Performance Testing
  2. It is a technique where testing is done by actually executing the code
  3. It dynamically checks the Design documentation
  4. It dynamically produces the code from a Design

Q27. What are the 4 Test Levels?

  1. UAT
  2. Requirements Testing
  3. Design Testing
  4. System Testing
  5. Dynamic Testing
  6. Unit Testing
  7. Integration Testing

Q28. What do Unit Tests do?

  1. They test integrated components 
  2. They are written so as to test the whole System
  3. They help Users test a delivered System
  4. They test standalone components that have been coded in the form of, usually, classes or programs

Q29. What does a System Test do?

  1. It is used to test a System in its entirety
  2. It tests just a function of a System
  3. It tests components that have been coded
  4. It is used to test a System by its Users

Q30. What are the 2 main types of Software Testing?

  1. Functional Testing
  2. System Testing
  3. Integration Testing
  4. Non-Functional Testing

Q31. What best describes Functional Testing?

  1. It measures the performance of a System to ensure it performs to a System’s Users expectations
  2. It is a type of test that validates a System against the functional requirements found in the Requirements Specification document. It does not look at the Performance of a System
  3. It reviews all the documentation of a System 
  4. It verifies that a System is working

Q32. Which of the following are classed Non-Functional Testing?

  1. Performance Testing
  2. Integration Testing
  3. System Testing
  4. Security Testing
  5. Reliability Testing
  6. Unit Testing
  7. Usability Testing


Q1. What does SDLC stand for?

  1. System Development Life Cycle
  2. Software Deployment Life Cycle
  3. Software Development Life Cycle
  4. Software Delivery Lite Components 



Q2. What best describes an SDLC?

  1. It sets the standard to test Computer Systems
  2. It is a process used by the Computer Software Industry as a standard way to deliver a Software Project
  3. It is a process used by the Computer Software Industry as a standard way to design a Software Project
  4. It is a series of processes that allows the Requirements to be captured for a Software Project



Q3. What are the 5 main phases of an SDLC?

  1. High Level Design, Low Level Design, Code and Test
  2. Requirements Gathering, Code, Integration Test, System Test and Deployment
  3. Requirements Gathering, Analysis, Code, Test and Deployment
  4. Requirements Gathering, Design, Code, Test and Deployment



Q4. Once the Requirements for a new System have been gathered, what needs to be done before coding can start?

  1. The reviewing phase needs to take place
  2. A test of the Requirements needs to take place
  3. Deployment is designed for the System to be eventually delivered
  4. The Design phase needs to take place, so as to design the new system from the Requirements that have been captured



Q5. What best describes the Design Phase?

  1. It takes the Requirement Gathering results and produces a design of how the system will functionally work and on what domain / platform (hardware)
  2. It is a document for a Test Analyst to design their Test Plans
  3. It is used to help produce the Requirements for a system
  4. It is used to help with the deployment of a system



Q6. What document do Developers use to code from?

  1. A High Level Design document
  2. The Requirements document
  3. A Low Level Design document
  4. A document produced by other Developers



Q7. What tests do Developers write?

  1. Integration Tests
  2. System Tests
  3. UAT Tests
  4. Unit Tests



Q8. What 3 phases, performed by a Test Team, can Testing be broken down into?

  1. Integration Testing, System Testing, User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
  2. Coding, Integration Testing, System Testing
  3. Requirements Gathering, System Testing, User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
  4. System Testing, User Acceptance Testing (UAT), Deployment



Q9. When would you perform Integration Testing?

  1. Before UAT
  2. After coding of a functionality has been coded and Unit Tested
  3. During System Testing 
  4. Before Unit Testing



Q10. What best describes Integration Testing?

  1. It tests the system as a whole
  2. It tests the interaction of modules within a specific functionality of a system
  3. It helps Users of the system test what will be deployed
  4. It tests individual coded components



Q11. Who performs UAT?

  1. Business Analysts
  2. The SDLC Test Team
  3. System Architects
  4. Users / Customers of the System



Q12. Once all the development and testing of a System has been completed, what takes place?

  1. Integration Testing
  2. System Testing
  3. Deployment
  4. UAT



Q13. Which 3 of the following are SDLC Models?

  1. Waterfall
  2. Supple
  3. Water full
  4. Agile
  5. V Model


1, 4, 5

Q14. What is the V Model also known as?

  1. The Verification and Validation Model
  2. The Confirmation and Validation Model
  3. The Valid and Verify Model
  4. The Vacant and Vacate Model



Q15. What is the Left Hand side (Requirements Capture and Design) of the V Model known as?

  1. The Validation Process
  2. The Acceptance Process
  3. The Verification Process
  4. The Test Process



Q16. What is the Right Hand side (Test Phase) of the V Model known as?

  1. The Validation Process
  2. The Acceptance Process
  3. The Verification Process
  4. The Test Process



Q17. What is Verification Testing also known as?

  1. System Testing
  2. Static Testing
  3. Unit Testing
  4. Dynamic Testing



Q18. What is Validation Testing also known as?

  1. Integration Testing
  2. Dynamic Testing
  3. Static Testing
  4. Unit Testing



Q19. What best describes Verification Testing?

  1. A Static Analysis technique where the Requirements are analysed
  2. A Dynamic Analysis technique where testing is done without executing the code
  3. A Static Analysis technique where testing is done without executing the code
  4. A way of running the code and testing at the same time



Q20. What best describes Validation Testing?

  1. A way of testing by reviewing documentation
  2. A Static Analysis technique where the Requirements are analysed
  3. A Dynamic Analysis technique where testing is done by actually executing the code
  4. A way of producing and reviewing the overall Test Plan



Q21. In the V Model, when is testing done?

  1. It starts after Coding finishes
  2. It can start as soon as the Requirements have been captured
  3. It can start once the Design has been completed
  4. It starts during the Coding phase


2. It is done in parallel with the Development (Capturing of Requirements, Design and Coding)  Phase. As testing starts from the moment the Requirements Specification document is produced and only ends when the product / system is delivered.

Q22. What are the 3 Testing characteristics of using a V Model?

  1. Early Test Design, each Work-Product is tested, all SDLC documents will be reviewed by the Test Team
  2. Test Design only starts when the System Design is complete, Test execution starts when code is delivered, all Test documents are reviewed by the Test Team
  3. Early Design of the System, only delivered Code is tested, all Test Documents are reviewed
  4. Early Test Design, only delivered Code is tested, all Test Documents are reviewed



Q23. Which 3 main phases are in the Verification Stage?

  1. System Design 
  2. User Acceptance Testing
  3. Coding of the System
  4. Requirements Capture
  5. System Testing


1, 3, 4

Q24. What are the 4 Testing phases in the Validation stage?

  1. UAT (User Acceptance Testing)
  2. Integration Testing
  3. Documentation Testing
  4. Code reviews
  5. Unit Testing
  6. System Test reviews
  7. System Testing


1, 2, 5, 7

Q25. Why is Verification Testing also known as Static Testing?

  1. It tests by reviewing the documentation and code, it does not test while the code is being executed
  2. It only reviews the code
  3. It tests the results when the System execution has completed
  4. It checks all Test Plan documentation



Q26. Why is Validation Testing also known as Dynamic Testing?

  1. It checks the results of Performance Testing
  2. It is a technique where testing is done by actually executing the code
  3. It dynamically checks the Design documentation
  4. It dynamically produces the code from a Design



Q27. What are the 4 Test Levels?

  1. UAT
  2. Requirements Testing
  3. Design Testing
  4. System Testing
  5. Dynamic Testing
  6. Unit Testing
  7. Integration Testing


1, 4, 6, 7

Q28. What do Unit Tests do?

  1. They test integrated components 
  2. They are written so as to test the whole System
  3. They help Users test a delivered System
  4. They test standalone components that have been coded in the form of, usually, classes or programs



Q29. What does a System Test do?

  1. It is used to test a System in its entirety
  2. It tests just a function of a System
  3. It tests components that have been coded
  4. It is used to test a System by its Users



Q30. What are the 2 main types of Software Testing?

  1. Functional Testing
  2. System Testing
  3. Integration Testing
  4. Non-Functional Testing


1, 4

Q31. What best describes Functional Testing?

  1. It measures the performance of a System to ensure it performs to a System’s Users expectations
  2. It is a type of test that validates a System against the functional requirements found in the Requirements Specification document. It does not look at the Performance of a System
  3. It reviews all the documentation of a System 
  4. It verifies that a System is working



Q32. Which of the following are classed Non-Functional Testing?

  1. Performance Testing
  2. Integration Testing
  3. System Testing
  4. Security Testing
  5. Reliability Testing
  6. Unit Testing
  7. Usability Testing


1, 4, 5, 7

Return To Lesson ⇒ 3. Understanding the SDLC